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Disposing of confidential information

Be careful when getting rid of confidential information as it can lead to information being leaked. This is a breach of the Data Protection Act 2018 that can lead to disciplinary action.

Mistakes can easily happen when throwing away notes, photocopies and printed copies. Any papers you want to dispose of should be carefully checked for personal data.

Destroying information earlier than necessary may also be a breach of the law so it is important that you check your departmental retention periods before destroying any records. You may use the record disposal form to certify the destruction and ensure that it's centrally logged.

Complete a records disposal form

It is important that we stick to the following guidelines when disposing of confidential information:

  • check any paper waste that you throw away - anything that contains personal or sensitive information must be treated as confidential waste
  • your workspace will have either a blue confidential waste bin or a shredder for you to place confidential waste in
  • do not leave confidential waste bagged up in public areas
  • sensitive or personal information kept on USBs, DVDs, CDs, laptops and PCs must be destroyed by the service desk when no longer required
  • when specialist disposal is required, items for disposal must only be passed to reputable companies that we have formal contractual agreements with

Blue bins

Only use blue confidential waste bins or a shredder for all your paper waste. These bins are securely locked and any material placed inside will be safely shredded.

Electronic portable media (USB, DVD, CD, floppy disks, laptops, PC)

To be destroyed by transformation service. Contact the service desk or information security team for advice on the correct procedure.


Commissionaires, ext: 36673 or telephone: 01629 536673.

Service desk, ext: 37777.