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Children's services retention schedule

Version 13.0, adopted May 2024, expires end May 2025. A PDF version of this retention schedule, including full version history, is held in the EDRM retention schedules folder.

The 6 Plus Rule and other standard retention periods

For simplicity, Derbyshire County Council has a default rule for records, known as the 6+ Rule. It means: destroy 6 years from the end of the financial year in which the record was last modified. This aligns with the right to launch certain types of claim under the Limitation Act 1980. In systems which use calendar rather than financial years, retention should be rounded up to 7 years.

Where the 6 Plus Rule is not appropriate, other standard retention periods are available:

  • DOB+25: Destroy 25 years after date of birth – useful for records relating to minors, who may possibly launch a legal claim on reaching maturity
  • DOB+35: Destroy 35 years after date of birth
  • DOB+100: Destroy 100 years after birth – approximately, lifelong retention
  • CASE+25: Destroy 25 years after entire case is closed
  • CASE+6:  Destroy 6 years after entire case is closed
  • ACTION+15: Destroy 15 years after last action, use or modification
  • ACTION+25: Destroy 25 years after last action, use or modification
  • ACTION+50: Destroy 50 years after last action, use or modification
  • ACTION+75: Destroy 75 years after last action, use or modification
  • ACTION+100: Destroy 75 years after last action, use or modification
  • TERMS+6: Destroy 6 years after expiry of terms of, for example ordinary contract
  • TERMS+12: Destroy 12 years after expiry of, for example sealed contract
  • PERM: Offer to Derbyshire Record Office when no longer required
  • D<1: Destroy within one year, for example transient data awaiting final deletion

Child protection (safeguarding) records

CHILD 1.01: Individual case assessment, investigation and management of children involved in child protection. Covers records of: (a) investigations under S.47 of the Children Act 1989, leading to a conference and child protection plan; (b) investigations terminated without a conference; (c) investigations leading to a conference but no child protection plan; (d) any other safeguarding concerns

Disposition: ACTION+100 if subject to a child protection plan (formerly child protection register); ACTION+75 in other cases.

Example(s): Strategy discussion/ meeting notes; S.47 pro forma, assessment pro forma, etc.; Notifications relating to people who pose a risk of harm to children (“Schedule 1 Offenders”); DV notifications; Child protection concerns shared from third parties.

Rationale: Common practice and business need.

This retention period ensures adequate retention of information in relation to abuse allegations involving children. See IICSA recommendations.

Primary storage location: EH and safeguarding case management system

Other storage location: Offsite storage, secure network folder

CHILD 1.02: managing allegations that practitioners working with children may have caused harm to a child (local authority designated officer)

Disposition: ACTION+75.

Example(s): All documents relating to process, including LADO minutes, LADO strategy discussion/meeting minutes

Rationale: Common Practice and Business Need

This retention period ensures adequate retention of information in relation to abuse allegations involving children. See IICSA recommendations.

Primary storage location: EH and safeguarding case management system

Other storage location: Offsite storage, secure network folder

Children in care, adoption and children in need records

CHILD 2.01: individual case management of children looked after by the local authority. This includes children and young people: (a) in children’s homes; (b) fostered; (c) subject to court orders: child arrangement, supervision, residence, guardianship

Disposition: DOB+100

Example(s): Young person being looked after file, Looked after child client files, guardian file. (For private fostering, see CHILD 2.06).

Rationale: Business need

This retention period ensures care leavers have lifelong access to their files. Exceeding minimum requirements of statutory basis: Care Planning, Placement and Case Review (England) Regulations 2010 No. 959, Regulation 50; Children’s Homes (England) Regulations 2015 No. 541, PART 5, Regulation 36.

Primary storage location: EH and safeguarding case management system, Virtual School case management system.

Other storage location: Offsite storage, secure network folder.

CHILD 2.02: Process involved in adopting a child including the case management of the adopted child

Disposition: ACTION+100.

Example(s): Minutes and recorded decisions of adoption panels, adoption files.

Rationale: Statutory basis (The Disclosure of Adoption Information (Post-Commencement Adoptions) Regulations 2005 No. 888, PART 2, Regulation 6).

Primary storage location: EH and safeguarding case management system

Other storage location: Offsite storage, secure network folder and on-site microfiche

CHILD 2.03.1: Process involved in checking the suitability of people who have become adoptive parents

Disposition: ACTION+100.

Example(s): Adoptive parent counselling files, approved adopters

Rationale: Statutory basis (The Disclosure of Adoption Information (Post-Commencement Adoptions) Regulations 2005 No. 888, PART 2, Regulation 6) Primary storage location: EH and safeguarding case management system.

Other storage location: Offsite storage, secure network folder and on-site microfiche

CHILD 2.03.2: Process involved in checking the suitability of people who have become foster carers

Disposition: ACTION+75.

Example(s): Foster carer files

Rationale: Common practice under statutory basis: The Fostering Services (England) Regulations 2011, S32

Primary storage location: EH and safeguarding case management system

Other storage location: Offsite storage, secure network folder

CHILD 2.04.1: Process involved in checking the suitability of prospective adopters who did not go on to full approval

Disposition: ACTION+15

Example(s): Stage 1 assessment, enquiry forms

Rationale: Common practice under statutory basis: The Adoption Agencies Regulations 2005 N0 389, PART 7, Regulation 40

Primary storage location: EH and safeguarding case management system

Other storage location: Offsite storage, secure network folder

CHILD 2.04.2: Process involved in checking the suitability of prospective foster carers who did not go on to full approval

Disposition: 6+

Example(s): Foster carer files, Form F, Stage 1 assessment, enquiry forms

Rationale: Common Practice under statutory basis: The Fostering Services (England) Regulations 2011, S32, Limitation Act 1980

CHILD 2.05: Process involving individual case management of families or adults who have fostered children in their care

Disposition: CASE+25 (closure point: carer ceases to foster)

Example(s): Foster carer files, supported lodging files

Rationale: Common practice under statutory basis: The Fostering Services (England) Regulations 2011, S32

Primary storage location: EH and safeguarding case management system

Other storage location: Offsite storage, secure network folder

CHILD 2.06: Process involving children in need who have not been adopted or looked after and who have not been the subject of a child protection inquiry or plan

Disposition: CASE+25 (closure point: No Further Action decision made)


  • single assessment, family assessment
  • privately fostered children's files
  • records of interviews
  • reports

Rationale: Common practice; Statutory basis (The Limitation Act 1980)

Primary storage location: EH and safeguarding case management system

Other storage location: Offsite storage, secure network folder

Early help records

CHILD 3.01: Individual case management of services or support to children and young people who have not met children in need thresholds, not been adopted or looked after and who have not been the subject of a child protection inquiry or plan

Disposition: CASE+25 (closure point: No Further Action decision made)


  • assessment materials
  • records of interviews
  • reports
  • multi-agency team single-focus plans
  • team around the family plans

Rationale: Common Practice and statutory basis (The Limitation Act 1980)

Primary storage location: EH and safeguarding case management system

Other storage location: Offsite storage, secure network folder

Universal services or non-targeted services

CHILD 4.01: Processes involving administration and provision of universal or non-targeted services

Disposition: Destroy 6+.

Example(s): Children Centre records recording attendance at activities not related to targeted services, registration details of parents / carers not receiving targeted services, attendance registers for sports outdoor and residential education

Rationale: Common practice

Statutory basis (The Limitation Act 1980)

Primary storage location: EH and safeguarding case management system

Other storage location: Offsite storage, secure network folder 

Special educational needs and disability (SEND)

CHILD 5.01: Process involved in assessing and providing individual support for children who have need of special education support

Disposition: DOB+35

Example(s): SEND files, EHCPs

See also CHILD 9.05

Rationale: Common practice

Statutory basis (The Limitation Act 1980)

Primary storage location: CS Education case management system, SEND case management system

Other storage location: Offsite storage, secure network folder

Educational psychology

CHILD 6.01: Process involved in assessing and providing individual support for children requiring educational psychology support

Disposition: DOB+35.

Example(s): Educational psychology file

Rationale: Common practice; statutory basis (The Limitation Act 1980)

Primary storage location: CS education case management system

Other storage location: Offsite storage, secure network folder

CHILD 6.02: Process of studying video recordings of children interacting with parents/guardians/carers for educational psychology purposes

Disposition: D<1 (destroy 2 months from closure)

Examples: Video Interaction Guidance (VIG) recordings (see Derbyshire County Council Confidentiality Statement for VIG)

Rationale: Business requirement

Primary storage location: Secure network folder

Education case management records for children and families

CHILD 7.01: Process involving individual case management in the provision of support by the local authority to children young people and families

Disposition: DOB+35


  • assessment materials
  • records of interviews
  • reports
  • behaviour support service case files
  • pupil absence penalty notices
  • children missing from education records
  • central pupil list on case management system
  • sports, outdoor and residential education records relating to individual children

Rationale: Common practice; statutory basis (The Limitation Act 1980)

Primary storage location: CS EH and safeguarding case management system, education case management system, Virtual School case management system, SEND case management system

Other storage location: Offsite storage, secure network folder

Admissions and exclusions (schools, pupil referral units, etc)

CHILD 8.01: Case files (including appeals)

Disposition: DOB+35

Example(s): Appeal files, exclusion files

Rationale: Common practice

Primary storage location: Education ase management system

Other storage location: Secure network folder

CHILD 8.02: School admissions transfer and admission application forms

Disposition: 6+

Example(s): Application forms

Rationale: Common practice

Primary storage location: Secure network folder, education case management system (SAM module)

Programme management and development

CHILD 9.01: Process involved in development of services or programmes for children

Disposition: 6+

Example(s): Annual plan, district plans, pupil referral unit development plans, service development plans, education improvement service records

Rationale: Common practice

Primary storage location: Secure network folder

CHILD 9.02: Process involved in provision of services or programmes to support the development of children and young people

Disposition: 6+

Example(s): Sufficiency strategy; Reports to corporate parents

Rationale: Common practice

Primary storage location: Secure network folder

CHILD 9.03: Number not used

CHILD 9.04: Process that assesses risks for Home to school transport

Disposition: DOB+35

For SEND pupils, see CHILD 9.05

Example(s): Application forms, reports of routes, correspondence

Rationale: Common practice

Primary storage location: Secure network folder, education case management system

CHILD 9.05: Process that assesses risks for Home to school transport of pupils with special educational needs and disability

Disposition: DOB+35

Example(s): Application forms, reports of routes, correspondence

Rationale: Common practice

Primary storage location: Secure network folder

Curriculum development

CHILD 10.01: developing the curriculum

Disposition: 6+

Example(s): Curriculum development plan

Rationale: Common practice

Primary storage location: Secure network folder

CHILD 10.02-10.05: numbers not used

CHILD 10.06: Pupil files in educational establishments 0 to 18

Disposition: DOB+25


  • pupil record cards
  • daily records
  • baseline assessments
  • early intervention
  • evaluations of placements

Rationale: Common practice and Statutory basis (The Limitation Act 1980)

Primary storage location: Pupil management information system in educational establishments

Other storage location: Secure network folder, secure cabinet or room at establishment, offsite storage

CHILD 10.07: Number not used

CHILD 10.08: The process to register the provision of a school service

Disposition: 6+

Example(s): School meal register

Rationale: Common practice

Primary storage location: Kitchen management information system

Other storage location: Secure network folder, secure cabinet or room at establishment, offsite storage

Community education and public examinations

CHILD 11.01: Recording of public examination results

Disposition: 6+

Example(s): SATS, GCSE, Adult education course results

Rationale: Common practice

Note: Return unclaimed examination certificates to appropriate examination board

Primary storage location: DACES management information system, Virtual School case management system

Other storage location: Secure network folder, secure cabinet or room at establishment, offsite storage

CHILD 11.02: Adult community education records

Disposition: CASE+6 (closure point: completion of learning)

Example(s): Learner registration, coursework

Rationale: Common practice

Primary storage location: DACES management information system

Other storage location: Secure network folder, secure cabinet or room at establishment, offsite storage

Residential homes

CHILD 12.01: Summary management systems that manage children housed by the local authority

Disposition: PERM

Example(s): Children's home registers, admissions register, discharge register, significant events register, policy and procedures, mission statements, inspection reports formal meeting minutes

“Formal meeting minutes” means a formal record of meetings discussing issues relating to the operation of the home, including the children, staff, management, health and safety and the building itself. It is expected that:

Actions relating to an individual child will be recorded on that child's case file (see CHILD 2.01>).

Staff supervision including annual leave arrangements will be recorded in a supervision file, kept for 7 years from closure (see HR 07.01).

Pertinent information or evidence will be transferred from any records of daily handover discussions or other informal meeting to the relevant case management system or file.

Minutes of meetings which do not meet any of the criteria and are not needed for business or compliance purposes may be treated as team/unit minutes, kept for 6 years after the meeting (see section MAR 01.02).

Rationale: Common practice. Exceeds minimum requirement of statutory basis (Children's Homes Regulations 2015)

Primary storage location: Secure network folder, secure cabinet or room at establishment, offsite storage

CHILD 12.02: Operational records of residential homes for children

Disposition: ACTION+25

Records of: administration of medicines, children's valuables/money, punishment/restorative actions, daily log/diary, visitors, staff duty rosters, fire drills, accounts, accidents

Rationale: Common practice; to cover 18th birthday of youngest resident plus 7 years (Limitation Act 1980). This exceeds the 15-year minimum requirement of the Children's Homes Regulations 2015

Primary storage location: Secure network folder, secure cabinet or room at establishment, offsite storage

Youth justice records

CHILD 13.01: Records relating to case management of young people at risk of being involved or involved in criminal justice process

Disposition: DOB+25

Rationale: Statutory basis (Limitation Act 1980); Guidance (Youth Justice Board national standards 2019 & Youth Justice Board Case Management Guidance 2022)

Primary storage location: Youth justice case management system, secure network folder

Other storage location: Offsite storage

CHILD 13.02: Records relating to case management of young people who are subject to a supervision order or licence

Disposition: DOB+25

Example(s): Supervision orders

Rationale: Statutory basis (Limitation Act 1980); Guidance (Youth Justice Board national standards 2019 & Youth Justice Board Case Management Guidance 2022)

Primary storage location: Youth Justice case management system, secure network folder

Other storage location: Offsite storage