All our holdings are classed as semi-current, meaning they are rarely used but still contain information needed as evidence. When records are no longer needed we destroy them according to retention schedules, but records of historic value can be offered to Derbyshire Record Office.
Modern records is accessible both to the public and staff. We can help in a variety of ways:
In person: Our small team combines working from home with office-based tasks. We attend County Hall at least one day per week (alternate Wednesdays/Thursdays) to assist with sealing and to retrieve documents for copying or borrowing.
By email: We prefer to receive modern records enquiries and requests by email You can use the same address for:
- general records management advice
- enquiries relating to the council's internal historical archives - to transfer records of historic value, please start by completing our contact form
- enquiries relating to our offsite storage and confidential waste services
We aim to match the customer service standards of Derbyshire Record Office, including the 10 working day target response time for enquiries from members of the public. Enquiries from staff are prioritised over these.
Telephone: 01629 538313 for any modern records matters. We use Teams telephony, so your call can be answered by any available team member.
Telephone: 01629 539203 to speak to the Corporate Records Manager, Mark Smith, about anything relating to records management.
Access to our records
The modern records service captures information about our records in simple spreadsheets. These have replaced the old index card system, with a few exceptions. Unless legal restrictions apply (for example, data protection or commercial sensitivity issues) we will be happy to let you see this information, enabling you to check what we hold, and let us know the reference number of any item of interest.
Unless legal restrictions apply, there are 3 ways for you to access the original records:
Ask for a scan
We can create scanned copies of documents such as contracts, agreements or deeds. We generally make no charge but may do so according to Derbyshire Record Office's charges.
Borrow the original (staff only)
We can leave the records with Derbyshire Business Centre for you to collect. Or, if your service holds the key to one of our lockers, you can collect the document at your convenience. On collection, you must immediately acknowledge receipt by email so we can maintain an accurate loan record.
Consult the original in the search room at Derbyshire Record Office
Please make an appointment, allowing 5 working days for the document to be transferred temporarily to the record office.
Let us know which of these options you would like. We'll accommodate your preference whenever we can, subject to staffing and demands on the service.
Consultation with services
After records are transferred to modern records, we take responsibility for managing them. This includes indexing them, storing them, and replying to business-as-usual enquiries from the public, in line with record office procedures. We consult the originating council service where expert subject knowledge is needed, when legal issues present themselves, or when records reach the end of their lifecycle and need to be destroyed. Unless we are given reason to do otherwise, we will destroy records in accordance with our retention schedules one month after consultation, or return them to the originating service.