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The redeployment process is open to all employees who are at risk of redundancy.

Categories at risk of redundancy

Access to jobs within a ring fence

Once the new organisation structure is determined, employees included in the ring fence for the appointment exercise will have priority access to jobs within their new structure at the same grade or below. This is on an equal footing with any at risk employees eligible for priority interview status from elsewhere in the organisation.

Where there are no jobs in the new structure at the employee's current grade, then in these specific circumstances, the employee will have priority consideration for jobs at the next grade up, that is, for promotion.

At risk

An employee will be given a redeployment status of 'at risk' if they are:

  • unsuccessful in being appointed to a job following a restructure
  • selected for redundancy through a selection out exercise
  • in a unique job or in an establishment that is closing and the job is to cease
  • on a fixed term contract that is coming to an end for reasons of redundancy

This means that they will receive support such as priority interview status. They can then apply for appropriate vacancies at the same grade or below (together with other priority candidates) prior to these being advertised internally. This includes vacancies within their own or other organisational restructures elsewhere in the organisation.

The redeployment officer will help the employee consider their skills, knowledge and experience. They will discuss options and ensure they are aware of the practical support and information that is available to help find alternative employment, either with us or externally.

If you are currently employed on a fixed term contract please seek advice from your redeployment officer on your eligibility for priority status.

Suitable alternative employment

We have a statutory duty in redundancy situations to take reasonable steps to consider whether suitable alternative employment is available for 'at risk' employees. Employees have a shared responsibility with us in seeking redeployment and should adopt a reasonable and flexible approach when considering alternative jobs.

A range of factors will be taken into account when determining the suitability of an alternative job, such as grade, level of earnings, status, working environment, terms and conditions of employment, working pattern and location. Where these factors are considered to be very similar to the employee's current job, an offer of suitable alternative employment may be made. Employees who unreasonably refuse may lose their entitlement to redundancy pay.