They are nationally recognised and approved work-based training programme which combines both on and off-the-job training with the support of both your line manager and an approved training provider. Apprenticeship levy funding is also available to fund apprenticeship training subject to levy budget approval.
There are range of available apprenticeships expanding not only in vocational and occupational areas covered but also with more higher and degree level apprenticeships becoming available. The Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education is an employer-led organisation who provide the required standards for apprenticeships. You can search for all apprenticeships that are available by occupational group or search for specific detail of any apprenticeship that is available or in development.
We also offer Leadership Apprenticeships in partnership with the University of Derby and Derbyshire Adult Community Education (DACES) to support our leaders and managers as we move forward. These apprenticeships are run on a cohort basis. There is further information on leadership apprenticeships including application open dates.
Personal development review (PDR) - development goals
Apprenticeships provide the opportunity to learn new skills both on and off the job. By working closely together, the line manager and employee can understand the suitability of an apprenticeship route, it is important the apprenticeship aligns with both individual and business requirements.
By reviewing the knowledge, skills and behaviours in contrast to existing qualifications and job role, will help to facilitate a development discussion with employee and line manager about areas of strength and skills gaps. This will also highlight whether the apprenticeship provides the stretch and challenge necessary to acquire substantive new skills which is a requirement of the funding. The apprenticeship must be for a minimum 12-month duration.
Existing employees approved to undertake an apprenticeship will remain on their current terms and conditions.
How to apply for an apprenticeship
This section outlines the process. See application guidance for further information.
- Employee and line manager discuss individual development needs through their personal development review (PDR) and consider whether an apprenticeship would be available and appropriate taking into consider both individual and business needs. See our leadership apprenticeship application details.
- Employee completes the apprenticeship application form with line manager support (AP1).
- Once the employee has submitted the application form, the line manager will be emailed the application form and requested to approve or decline.
- Upon approval, application will be forwarded to the grade 15 or above manager to consider and discuss with the leadership team, they will need to approve or decline the application.
- Application form submitted to talent development team for review and check against available apprentice levy spend.
- An email will be sent to the line manager and employee regarding the outcome which will prompt a development discussion for next steps.
- Upon approval, the procurement of a learning provider can start. See section procurement of a learning provider.
Procurement of a learning provider
- We will confirm to the line manager if a procurement process needs to take place or if Derbyshire Adult Community Education (DACES) are the learning provider.
- We will work with the line manager throughout the procurement process.
- The procurement of the apprenticeship learning provider may be by via usual tender process, the dynamic purchasing system (YPO) or through a business case need. Procurement can take between 2 and 6 weeks. If you have any special requirements that need to be included in the procurement framework template/specification, please email
- In cases of procurement, we will score the learning providers and recommend learning provider(s), line manager to confirm final selection. We will complete an external contact delivery form and share with the line manager.
- Line manager to contact learning provider and discuss potential start date.
- Learning provider to conduct skills assessment for apprentice.
- Line manager to inform learning provider of start date of apprenticeship.
- Line manager to work with learning provider and arrange induction.
Contact us
Contacts for queries or further clarification, email