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Competency framework

We have 2 competency frameworks to support Grade 14+ senior leaders and Grade 13 and below line managers. It describes which behaviours are required, valued, and recognised within the council.

It ensures everyone has a common understanding of the expected behaviours.

The competency framework identifies 3 behaviours:

  • delivering results
  • leading and working through others
  • shaping the future.

Nine competencies have been developed aligned to these behaviours and have been incorporated into the PDR process.

Competencies (Grade 14+ senior leaders)

Senior leaders will focus on the ‘lead and manage the organisation’ competencies.

The descriptions provide an indication of the typical behaviours that might be below, meeting, or exceeding expectations.

The descriptions are a tool to support development conversations. They aren't designed to rate levels of competence but behaviours that should be considered when rating performance.

Competencies also describe how we deliver on our goals and overall performance.

The competency frameworks for grade 14+ senior leaders, are attached to this page.

Some leaders are members of professional bodies and therefore have professional competencies they must adhere to. In many cases, they must demonstrate they meet the requirements annually.

Professional competency frameworks are about demonstrating technical competence, whereas the competency framework launched in the new performance management process is about behavioural competencies which are required in all roles.

Leaders will use elements of both, where appropriate, when completing their PDR.

Competencies (Grade 13 and below)

As a line manager, you will focus on the ‘lead and manage others’ competencies. The descriptions provide an indication of the typical behaviours that might be below expectations, meeting expectations or exceeding expectations. The descriptions are a tool to support development conversations. 

Competencies also describe how we deliver on our goals and overall performance. The competency framework for line managers grade 13 and below is attached to this page. 

Competency framework (non-line manager PDR users)

Currently a competency framework aligned to non-line manager PDR users is not in place.