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A message from Joe O'Sullivan, Executive Director for Corporate Services and Transformation 9 May 2024

9 May 2024

Our new Digital Services division is now established.

Last month I wrote to inform you that Leonardo Tantari joined us in April as our new Director of Digital.

I am now pleased to announce that our new Digital Services division has been formed under Leonardo, replacing our former ICT Services division.

The new name reflects a wider remit than ICT alone. The team will work towards centralising and streamlining all our digital operations across our services. Working with colleagues in all departments, we aim to transform the way we connect with residents, improve operational efficiencies, and foster innovative solutions to meet the needs of our communities in the digital age.

By adopting a digital transformation approach, our vision is to enhance service delivery and empower residents and colleagues to take control of the services they use and to deliver better outcomes.