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Beware of scam calls and emails

21 February 2024

We’ve seen an increase in the number of scam calls from people claiming to be from a supplier and offering to send free merchandise to colleagues. A recent example is from a caller claiming to be our new cleaning product supplier and offering free samples.

If you are contacted by any company you are suspicious of, please do not engage with them or accept any free gifts.

If you receive a suspicious email, do not open it or click on any links – not even to unsubscribe. If you know it’s a scam, delete the email and block the user.

If you want the email checking out by the Service Desk because you are worried you’ve clicked on something, do not forward the original to be checked. You should report it as a security incident through Halo and then IT will call you to check the content. If you cannot use Halo for whatever reason and it is deemed urgent, you must create a new email and add it as an attachment.