Some of these relate to the savings proposals published during the setting of our balanced budget for 2024/25 and include the following.
A review of our early help and children's centres
Cabinet is being asked to agree changes to the early help service, including children's centres. The proposals are to refocus the service to offer a combination of response to statutory expectations combined with some practical family support and services for children from birth to 5-years-old. All colleagues who work for the service are aware and will be consulted over the next few weeks. The recognised trade unions will also be fully consulted on the proposals through collective consultation.
Proposals to consult on options for the redesign of residential care and day services for older people
Members will be asked to agree to seek people's views on proposals to refocus services to concentrate on short-term enablement, specialist dementia care and respite care to support the carers of people living with dementia.
The report being discussed says there is a decline in demand for traditional residential care as more people want to remain in their own home for as long as they can. Those going into care have more complex needs, such as dementia, leading to a need for more specialist care in the county.
To ensure we can support the future care and support needs of the people of Derbyshire and make the savings we need, Cabinet will be asked to agree to publicly consult on 2 options for the creation of a new model designed to focus on short-term enablement and specialist services for people with dementia and their carers, including integrated and flexible specialist dementia day opportunities.
Consulting on future of discretionary grants
Cabinet will consider plans to consult on the future of grant funding to voluntary and community groups. Councillors will be asked to agree to launch consultations to seek the public's views on plans to end 2 types of discretionary grant support.
The county council has been funding voluntary organisations with annual grants for several years, over which time it has experienced growing financial pressures.
Cabinet will be asked to approve recommendations contained within 2 reports to consult on proposals to end adult social care discretionary grant funding and corporate services and transformation discretionary grant funding in March 2025.