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Champion advice on carbon cutting

23 April 2024

Here’s a true life story from County Hall - names have been changed! 

'Bob the Boiler' is happily boiling a full kettle of water in one of the kitchenettes for his cuppa. 'Carl the Carbon Cutter' happens to see this and politely suggests that it’s much more energy efficient just to boil the amount of water required.

Bob genuinely felt that he was helping by leaving lots of water in the kettle for colleagues but agreed the facts don’t add up and so from now on he just boils enough for one.

A happy end to the story but just to add that we should be using the hot water dispensers where these are available.

The tale of Bob and Carl reached a meeting of our Energy Champions and the group devised a poster with simple energy saving measures. These messages are not telling you how to suck eggs and not every message will apply to everyone but every little really does help - especially in the current variable weather - turning radiators up or down (if possible), opening or closing windows and keeping doors shut. Please do what you can to help.

The poster can be printed off if you feel there is a good place to display it and we hope that outlying offices will do the same. Just click on the 3 dots in the top right-hand corner and you will see the option to print.

If you’d like to be an Energy Champion or just find out more about what they’re up to, please email or