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Commitment to museum's future underlined as 'reluctant' decision is made to move out of Peak Buildings

23 May 2024

A decision to move Buxton Museum and Art Gallery from its current base in the town has been announced by Council Leader Councillor Barry Lewis.

Councillor Lewis underlined the commitment to the museum and art gallery remaining in its hometown but said the council had been left with no choice but to reluctantly relocate the museum and art gallery from the town's Peak Buildings complex in Terrace Road.

The museum and art gallery was closed to the public last June after structural investigation work revealed dry rot in structural timbers and floor joists, making parts of the building potentially unsafe. At the time it was hoped the closure would be temporary.

As building assessments continue they are revealing the potential costs and length of time that would be needed for the council to bring the building back into use as a modern day museum. This has led to the conclusion it is no longer viable for the museum to stay in the building.

Councillor Lewis said:

“While extremely sad for everyone connected to the museum in its present home, it is with great reluctance that we have to confirm it is no longer viable for the museum to operate from the Peak Buildings and a new location must be secured.”

Now the decision has been made to move the museum work will start immediately to move all artefacts, displays and artwork from the building, and when this is completed the building will be put up for sale.

Plans are currently being developed for a museum service to run in the interim period before the long-term solution is secured