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Get moving for your mental health

13 May 2024

Mental Health Awareness Week runs from 13 to 19 May 2024 and this year's theme is 'Movement: Moving more for our mental health'.

Being active is important for our mental health. But so many of us struggle to get enough exercise.

We know there are many different reasons for this, so this Mental Health Awareness Week we want to help people to find moments for movement in their daily routines.

Going for a walk in your neighbourhood, putting on your favourite music and dancing around the living room, chair exercises when you're watching television – it all counts!

Here are a few ways to help you increase your movement:

Support available

As a council employee, there are several ways you can get support if you're struggling with your mental health.

We have a network of mental health first aiders who can guide you to the support you need. Our in-house counselling service offers confidential support, and you can also get support through our employee assistance programme.

The Derbyshire Mental Health helpline is also open 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Tel: 0800 028 0077 if you or anyone you know is struggling with their mental health.