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Next steps for County Hall

4 January 2024

Earlier this year we announced plans to consider a new future for County Hall, and at the time promised to keep you informed of the progress of this project.

Next week Cabinet will consider a report asking for approval to redevelop County Hall.

Since the pandemic we are just not using the building in the way we once were. We’re averaging around 420 employees a day, which is around a quarter of the space available.

The costs for running the building are just going up and up. The option that we are looking at will also save the council more than £130m in repairs to the County Hall buildings and in decarbonisation costs.

Cabinet will be asked to approve a plan for the County Hall complex, which includes:

  • turning the south block of County Hall and the Winter Gardens into a hotel and events venue
  • creating new homes in the north block and the south west car park
  • building a new, low carbon office on the site to accommodate up to 500 council employees.

Our overriding objective is to deliver the best outcome for the long-term use of the complex so that it contributes to the vitality of the town of Matlock and makes a significant ongoing contribution to the economy of the area. Building a new low carbon office on the site will mean that we can offer a much better working environment for our employees.

This is a long-term project and we will continue to keep you informed as we progress.

Find out more in our press release about the future of County Hall.