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Procurement business case process changes

21 January 2025

On 15 January there was a change to the procurement business case (PBC) process that affects PBCs for protocols 2a, 8 and 10 both above and below £50,000.

Previously, there was only one final approver, the Executive Director, however this has now changed and will now require 4 final approval stages. Please see section 13-16 of the updated business case templates for details.

The added approvers are:

  • Section 13 - grade 15 and above
  • Section 14 - Assistant Directors
  • Section 15 - Director
  • Section 16 - Executive Director

Please note that if the PBC author is on an equal or higher grade to an approval grade - then no approval would be required from the lower stages. For example, if the PBC author is a grade 15, they would not require approval from section 13 approver (G15 and above), in this case the PBC author will need to select not required and state the rationale in the approval box within the PBC ahead of submission.

Equally, if your department doesn’t have certain grades to complete the full four-stage approval, the PBC author will need to select not required and state the rationale in each approval box on the PBC ahead of submission. Further guidance to assist PBC authors with their submissions can be found in the new business case template.

We would like to thank the PBC authors who have provided feedback for the guidance document and process map circulated on 19 November, these documents have now been updated in line with the comments provided.