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SAP upgrade - are you ready?

19 March 2024

Employees and managers who currently use SAP Workplace for HR self service activities, as well as OrderPoint shoppers and approvers, will access the system in a new Fiori dashboard from Tuesday 2 April 2024.

If you haven’t done so already, visit the Learning Centre and check out the range of user guides and videos that will help you prepare to use the new Fiori dashboard:

We’re also providing several webinars leading up to when the system is upgraded, that demonstrate how easy it is to access and navigate the Fiori dashboard. The webinars are proving to be very popular and can be booked on the Learning Centre using the links on this page.

Once the upgraded system is live there will be additional technical and end-user support available.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact the SAP business readiness team, email: