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Trans Awareness Week and allyship

14 November 2023

National Trans Awareness Week is a week when trans, non-binary and gender diverse people and their allies take action to help raise awareness and the visibility of who transgender people are, sharing experiences, and advancing advocacy around the issues of prejudice and discrimination that affect the community.

Trans Awareness Week runs from 13 to 19 November every year, leading up to Transgender Day of Remembrance on 20 November, a day to remember all the transgender people lost to violence.

Understanding allyship

Organised on 13 November 2023 by the Pride Network as a part of the national Trans Awareness Week the webinar explored the topic of allyship. Reframing the question of 'What is allyship?' into 'How can we act as allies?' the session provided practical steps we all can take in the workplace and when engaging with others. Thank you to over 70 colleagues who joined on the day.

Watch a recording of the webinar.

Personal stories and experiences

In the past we proudly produced LGBT+ Role Models video in partnership with Derbyshire Constabulary and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, Derbyshire Fire and Rescue Service, Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS Foundation Trust, Derbyshire LGBT+ and the University of Derby.

In the video, individuals from our partnership organisations share their personal stories of being part of the LGBT+ community to encourage colleagues to be proud to be themselves and out in the workplace, including Trans colleagues.

Watch the LGBT+ role models video.

Creating LGBT+ inclusive spaces

Wednesday, 13 December 2023 from 3.45pm to 5pm, online session.

Join our employee Pride Network for this online session to learn how to make workplaces and educational spaces LGBT+ inclusive. You can find more information about the session or register for creating LGBT+ inclusive spaces.

Join our Pride Network

If you're interested in helping to change things for the better for LGBT+ employees and users of our services, please consider joining our Pride Network. The group meets regularly through MS Teams and its meetings are open to any employee.

You can contact the network by email