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Update on Buxton Museum and Art Gallery

31 August 2023

Work is continuing at Buxton Museum and Art Gallery to protect, pack and move exhibits and artefacts and clear space across the building for structural investigation work to begin.

The museum and art gallery in Terrace Road, which is part of the Peak Buildings complex, has been closed temporarily since the beginning of June following the discovery of dry rot in structural timbers and floor joists.

Detailed investigations need to be carried out which will involve removing parts of ceilings and taking up some floors, making it essential that rooms are cleared first of any artefacts, exhibits, exhibition cases and artworks, and meaning the building cannot be open to visitors.

Alternative venues to provide a temporary museum service in Buxton are currently being explored.

While the museum remains closed, colleagues are working hard to find alternative ways to deliver the service, and the museum events programme has continued in other Buxton venues.