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What we're doing to combat fraud

29 June 2023

Each year, £33 billion of public sector funding is lost as a result of fraud or error. It’s a huge issue for the public sector - including us.

So it’s important that we do all we can to reduce the risk of fraud taking place and to identify and address any instances that do. To help with this, in recent months audit services have:

  • reviewed and updated our anti-fraud and anti-corruption strategy
  • updated the fraud awareness training on Derbyshire Learning Online
  • attended senior management and team meetings to raise fraud awareness

We will let you know when the new anti-fraud strategy is available but in the meantime, please continue to be vigilant to the risk of fraud. Remember, if you have concerns, or if something just doesn’t feel right, please email or tel: 01629 533334 to discuss it further.

You can find out further information on fraud and your role in its prevention and detection by completing the fraud prevention e-learning available on Derbyshire Learning Online.