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Councillors, decision-making and committees

Modern.Gov is the system we use to manage all democratic processes.

Modern.Gov is used for:

  • drafting and commenting on reports decision reports to committees and individual Cabinet members
  • publishing all agendas, forward plans, minutes and decisions
  • subscribing to automatic updates when things like agendas and decisions are published

There is a step-by-step help page and questions about using Modern.Gov, and decision-making in general, on the Derbyshire Learning Centre.

Meetings, agendas, and minutes is the Modern.Gov landing page, which is the starting point for all content found in the Modern.Gov system.

Log in to Modern.Govif you have work to do.

There's information about our councillors including contact details and register of interest.

The Cabinet forward planhas details of upcoming Cabinet and Cabinet Member decisions.

The agenda management timetable has all the deadlines that you need in relation to report deadlines for committees.