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Master data

Additions, amendments and blocking of SAP records, including requests for changes to finance roles within SAP.

All forms and templates relating to master data can be found in EDRM.

Since introducing a new finance and procurement system, known as SAP, changes have been made to the way we manage data. The transition to SAP has led to much work being undertaken to consolidate and cleanse existing finance and procurement data.

To ensure the integrity of existing and new data is maintained in the future, a SAP master data team was created to control and co-ordinate finance and procurement data changes.

You're required to use a suite of forms to request new data or changes to existing finance and procurement 'Master Data'.

Master Data includes information about our vendors (previously known as creditors or suppliers), customers (previously known as debtors), cost centres and general ledger account codes (previously known as detail codes).

As processes in the new finance system evolve these forms may be amended, therefore it is imperative that you select and submit the most up-to-date form.

Where sensitive data is required on the form, like bank details, original or copy documentation will need to be provided (for example, company letter headed paper). In the case of direct debit instructions a copy will suffice because the original needs to be retained within the department.

To ensure your request is processed as quickly as possible please send an electronic copy of the completed form via your approver to

Generally, requests will be processed within one working week, however, we'll process your request as soon as possible.

If you have any queries, concerns or issues about the new process or need help to complete the forms, please contact your departmental finance manager or accountant, or the SAP master data team, email or telephone: 016295 39749.