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Risk management

Risk management is concerned with identifying, evaluating and controlling all the risks which affect Derbyshire County Council and putting appropriate financial and other arrangements in place to protect the council from the consequences of risk.

There are 2 levels of risk management:

  • strategic risk - the high level risks that could prevent the council from achieving its objectives
  • operational risk - risks at a service or departmental level that would affect service delivery locally

Each executive director is responsible for managing departmental and service risks and maintaining a departmental risk register. The registers are reviewed regularly by directorates and department management teams to ensure that the risk management measures are proving effective and that new and emerging risks are being identified.

The Corporate Management Team (CMT) and the Audit Committee receive reports quarterly on the council's principal risks, co-ordinated by the corporate risk and insurance team. The risk and insurance team also provides advice on risk management to departments and relating to significant issues, large corporate projects and partnerships.


If you have any queries about corporate risk management, contact the risk and insurance team, email

For support and advice about departmental risks, contact the relevant departmental risk management lead officer by email: