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Single use plastic policy

We will act to remove the use of single use plastic (SUP) from our operations and services where practical and to reduce the use of single use plastic where its use cannot be avoided. We will work towards finding positive solutions for reducing unnecessary waste across Derbyshire.

The single use plastic action plan, was developed to support the implementation and monitoring of this policy and was approved by Corporate Management Team on 26 July 2022.  

What we will do

We'll lead by example

Embed the SUP policy into other key strategies, policies and plans and support officers to:

  • understand the acceptable price differential when procuring alternatives to SUPs by providing guidance on the value of sustainability when procuring alternatives
  • recognise and avoid buying and using SUPs across our buildings and services
  • look for more sustainable alternatives to SUPs
  • make sure that SUPs which are procured have a recycled content of at least 30% or can themselves be recycled.

We'll work with our suppliers and contractors in accordance with the sustainable procurement policy 

We'll work with our suppliers and contractors to:

  • highlight the avoidance of SUPs across the council
  • ask that suppliers have a SUP policy in place or can demonstrate that they are working to minimise the use of SUPs in their organisation and are finding sustainable alternatives (where appropriate)
  • embed requirements for the reduction of SUPs in our procurement and tender processes.

We'll support the avoidance of SUPs across Derbyshire

To support the avoidance of using SUPs, we'll:

  • work with event organisers to reduce and eliminate where possible SUPs across all Derbyshire events held on our land and property and share guidance for this more widely
  • raise awareness of the importance of disposing of SUPs properly to reduce the negative impact on wildlife, the environment and health
  • continue to support local communities and businesses by sharing best practice, supporting and promoting positive initiatives, campaigns and actions for reducing waste.

This policy will be reviewed annually.

Policy approved: 14 October 2021

Policy reviewed 25 April 2023