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Information about the National Association of Educational Inspectors Advisors and Consultants (NAEIAC).

The association provides a way:

  • for members to come together to discuss and exert influence on educational and professional matters
  • of regulating relations between members and their employers, both locally and nationally, on such matters as salaries, conditions of service and pensions, support and information concerning contracts, service agreements and client relationships

NAEIAC has the largest representation of any professional body on the Soulbury Committee which negotiates salaries and conditions of service for LEA advisory staff, and maintains good working relations with many different types of employers across the education service.

NAEIAC is a registered trade union, with a growing network of regional officers providing representation and expert advice to members locally, in the public and private sectors.

While many members of NAEIAC work as local authority inspectors and advisors, it has in membership a rich variety of education professionals.

Within local authorities, there are chief education officers and other senior officers in the education service, together with advisory teachers.

Outside local authorities are many members working as independent educational consultants, some working for consultancies and others employed in higher education, by diocesan and other voluntary providers, and in overseas services.

For further information contact your local (Derbyshire) NAEIAC representative, David Whitehouse, tel: 01629 532785.