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Access to Work scheme

In certain circumstances help may be available from the Department for Work and Pensions Access to Work Scheme.

This includes:

  • a communicator for deaf people or those who have a hearing impairment and need a communicator with them at an interview
  • a reader at work for someone who is blind or has a visual impairment
  • special equipment (or alterations to existing equipment) to suit particular work needs arising from disability
  • alterations to premises or working environment, if needed because of disability
  • a support worker, if practical help is needed because of disability, either at work or getting to work
  • help towards the cost of getting to work if disability prevents the employee from using public transport

You can find more information about the Access to Work scheme.

Access to Work must be informed of any change in circumstances and equipment must not be disposed of or used by another individual without prior consultation.


The Equality Act 2010 defines a disabled person as:

"someone who has a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities."

For our employees who are not be covered by the act, but who have been identified as in need of a workplace adjustment, evidence of such a need may be supported by:

  • an occupational health referral
  • a health and safety assessment
  • employee self identification
  • supported by line manager
  • Access to Work assessment
  • assessment by other specialist organisation

Changing job or leaving our employment

It should be acknowledged that the equipment is provided for the sole use of the named employee.

Should the employee move to another location within our employment, it is recommended that the equipment is transferred to the new location as well.

It's the responsibility of the employee's manager to support their employee with the Access to Work process and ultimately the recommendations which will be provided in a report format from the Access to Work assessor.

Within the report, justifications will be made for the recommendations, however it's the responsibility of the manager to consider what is reasonable to provide. When deciding, consideration is required on how effective an adjustment will be, how practical it is, and whether it is cost prohibitive.

Access to Work Scheme process

  1. The employee can call the Access to Work helpline to obtain advice on their eligibility - telephone: 0800 121 7479.
  2. If the employee is eligible, the employee can then apply either by phone (telephone: 0800 121 7479) or apply online.
  3. After applying, someone from Access to Work will phone the employee to talk about their application. They may ask for more information about their work and condition, for permission to speak to their employer/line manager or to arrange an assessor to call them or view their workplace to find out what changes may help.
  4. The employee will receive a letter with a decision and explanation to tell them how much their grant will be and what it should pay for. This letter needs to be shared with their line manager.
  5. The letter from Access to Work will have contained a detailed report with the recommendations to help the employee in the workplace. This report will include the Access to Work unique reference number, date of assessment, what has been granted, total cost of support, as well as how much Access to Work will contribute and when support will continue to - claim by date.
  6. The line manager should discuss with the employee what is required from the recommendations made. Not everything recommended is always needed, however the employee can decide, what is required to help them in their workplace and if deemed reasonable by their line manager should be processed. At this stage the line manager should seek advice if required from an appropriate specialist, for example, digital (ICT), legal, human resources, health, safety and wellbeing, or equality, diversity and inclusion.
  7. If the report recommends software, the employee's laptop asset number is required. Software and ICT equipment (hardware) is to be ordered from Halo. Hardware will only be delivered to a Derbyshire County Council workplace for collection by the employee. All software orders are security checked and will require Derbyshire County Council approval via Halo before being purchased by digital for download. Not all software gets security approval and therefore will not be granted to the user. Alternatives in these cases will need to be considered.
  8. For ordering of all other equipment/training, the standard Derbyshire County Council ordering processes should be used.
  9. Ensure all invoices are kept ready for claiming monies back from Access to Work by the claim date. Invoices will need to be requested from digital too.

More information can be obtained from Sandy McKay, telephone: 01629 536943.