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Coronavirus information for managers

Line managers have a role in supporting staff in relation to coronavirus (COVID-19).

Full and detailed HR advice for managers about the workforce related implications of the COVID-19 can be found in this section. You'll need to sign in to the secure area to access this information.

The policy elements outlined are applicable to all employees within the council, excluding those directly employed by a school.

Employees who are medically susceptible

COVID-19 risk assessments are no longer required, however colleagues who are more at risk from infection due to medical conditions must be supported by their manager and any necessary mitigations implemented to ensure they can use our workspaces without causing undue risks to their health and wellbeing.

Face coverings

Face coverings are no longer required, however where employees, service users and visitors prefer to wear face coverings particularly where they are in close contact with people they don’t usually meet or crowded places this should be supported.

This only applies to face coverings which are not PPE. View our PPE guidance on wearing PPE (including face masks) in our care settings.

Recording sickness absence due to symptoms of a viral infection

Anyone with symptoms of a viral infection such as COVID-19, flu or sickness and diarrhoea should not attend their workplace. If the employee is well enough and their role allows, they can work from home. If they cannot work from home but are well enough to work, you should discuss the risk of spreading illness with them and whether any plans can be put in place to allow them to attend a workplace.

As part of these discussions, line managers should establish the following:

  • the nature of their sickness and symptoms
  • the current work location
  • whether the employee is fit and able to work from home
  • when recording sickness absence confirmation that the normal hours planned to be worked for the defined period will be submitted by the employees line manager via usual processes
  • a contact approach between the line manager and the employee including confirmed contact details and any support the colleague may require during the sickness absence period

If an employee is fit and able to work from home the employee should record their hours via the normal processes. If an employee is fit to work but unable to work from home due to the nature of their role and plans are not available to allow them to attend a workplace line managers should work with employees to ensure the normal hours the employee was due to work in the defined period are input through normal processes.

Line managers must be in contact with employees who are unable to attend work due to sickness absence on a regular basis to support their wellbeing and ensure they are able to perform their duties. This contact will be by phone unless there is a clear reason why text or email should be used.

Employees unable to work due to sickness absence will receive normal pay for the period. Normal pay means the employee will receive the pay that was scheduled and authorised to be paid at the point of absence.

Recording sickness absence

There is a specific sickness reason type named 'COV-19' in SAP.

Employees who are unwell due to a confirmed case of COVID-19 and are unfit to work, should have their absence recorded by their manager as sickness under the sickness reason of COV-19.

If an employee is unable to test to confirm their sickness is attributable to COVID-19 they should record the absence closest to the symptoms they are experiencing.

If you have any questions in relation to this guidance please contact your departmental payroll team, email: