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PPE quick guide

This quick guide should be read in conjunction with the current COVID-19 personal protective equipment (PPE) guidance. 

Latest update: 22 December 2023.

The guidance and quick guide summarise the minimum PPE requirements in relevant government guidance, supplemented by our public health advice and risk assessments.

When and where to wear PPE

This guide refers to PPE needed to be worn specifically in relation to COVID-19. Appropriate PPE previously worn for all other purposes should continue to be worn as normal.

PPE should be worn according to this guide if you are providing care within an establishment, school, the client's home or supporting them outside the home in indoor public areas outside the care setting.

Refer to local risk assessments for information on when additional items of PPE should be worn if there is a risk of exposure to splashing and bodily fluids as indicated in this guide.

All used PPE should be disposed of safely according to our guidance.

Definitions of terms used in this guide

(a) 'single use' - Used for interaction with one client only. The item is discarded after the interaction is finished.

(b) 'sessional use' - Used for one session only and then discarded:

  • in residential or day care settings - a 'session' is the time working between breaks up to a maximum of 4 hours (masks worn on a sessional basis must be changed if the time between breaks is more than 4 hours)
  • in home care, community and school settings - a 'session' is the time spent interacting with one client

Comments on specific PPE items

Visors: Wear a visor for any task where there is a risk of bodily fluids splashing in the eyes, and always for aerosol generating procedures (AGPs) and if indicated in the tables. You can wear the visor for the duration shown unless it is heavily contaminated. Discard and replace a contaminated visor after completing the interaction with a client or other intervention.

Goggles: Goggles are available for those unable to wear visors for medical reasons. Managers should obtain advice from their health and safety adviser for any staff who may require goggles for this reason before placing an order from the logistics hub. Visors must be used for all AGPs without exception.

Wearing a face mask is required:

  • if the person being cared for is known or suspected to have COVID-19 (recommended Type IIR fluid-repellent surgical mask)
  • if the member of staff is in a household or overnight contact of someone who has had a positive test result for COVID-19
  • if the care setting is in an outbreak
  • where risk assessment identifies a risk of splashing to the face of bodily fluids or blood – Type IIR

Mask wearing may also be considered when an event or gathering is assessed as having a particularly high risk of transmission.

COVID-19 PPE requirements for common work scenarios

The following summarises common work scenarios where PPE should be worn for COVID-19.

Where risk assessment identifies circumstances where universal masking (for source control) is in place e.g., if a care setting is in an outbreak situation, follow the recommendations for mask use in the tables and in addition wear a fluid resistant face mask (Type IIR) for activities where the use of a mask is not normally recommended. Visitors to care settings should also follow the same PPE precautions.

Contact your health, safety and wellbeing consultant if you are unsure about anything in the tables or your work scenario isn't listed.

Caring for a person without suspected or confirmed COVID-19

Social contact with clients, staff and visitors

In a residential, day or community care setting shared with other staff members or the public, including staff rooms and offices. Not worn for eating or drinking.

What to wear:

  • PPE - where identified by risk assessment

Remove PPE at end of session.

Care or domestic task involving likely contact with blood or body fluids

Giving personal care, handling soiled laundry, emptying a catheter or commode.

What to wear:

  • disposable gloves - single use
  • disposable apron - single use
  • fluid resistant face mask (Type IIR) - if risk assessment suggests splashing is likely - single use
  • visor - if risk assessment suggests splashing is likely - single use

Remove PPE on leaving the area.

Tasks not involving contact with blood or body fluids

Tasks such as moving clean linen, tidying, giving medication, non-personal domiciliary care visits, and writing in care notes.

What to wear:

  • PPE - where identified by risk assessment

Remove PPE at end of session.

General cleaning with hazardous products (disinfectants or detergents)

For routine cleaning of areas where non-symptomatic or confirmed clients have been.

What to wear:

  • disposable gloves - if splashing is likely or if recommended by manufacturer of cleaning product - single use
  • disposable apron - if splashing is likely or if recommended by manufacturer of cleaning product - single use
  • fluid resistant face mask (Type IIR) – if splashing likely or if recommended by manufacturer of cleaning product - sessional use
  • visor - if splashing is likely or if recommended by manufacturer of cleaning product - single use

Remove PPE on leaving the area.

Aerosol generating procedure (AGP)

Undertaking an AGP on a person who is not suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19 or another infection spread by the airborne or droplet route.

What to wear:

  • disposable gloves - single use
  • disposable apron - single use
  • fluid resistant face mask (Type IIR) - single use
  • visor - single use
  • disposable fluid resistant gown - if extensive splashing is likely - single use

Remove PPE on leaving the area.

Caring for a person with suspected or confirmed COVID-19

Giving personal care to a person with suspected or confirmed COVID-19

When caring for a client who is COVID-19 positive, self-isolating or displaying respiratory symptoms.

For providing personal care to an individual such as assistance with feeding, washing, changing, dressing and first aid.

What to wear:

  • disposable gloves - single use
  • disposable apron - single use
  • fluid resistant face mask (Type IIR) - single use
  • visor - single use

Remove PPE on leaving the area.

General cleaning duties

For routine cleaning of areas where someone with COVID-19 has been or passed through (even if more than 2 metres away).

What to wear:

  • disposable gloves - single use
  • disposable apron - single use
  • fluid resistant face mask (Type IIR) - single use
  • visor - single use

Remove PPE on leaving the area.

Aerosol generating procedures (AGPs)

For working in rooms where AGPs are being undertaken, and any domestic setting where AGPs are being undertaken.

For undertaking an AGP on a person who is suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19 or another infection spread by the airborne or droplet route.

What to wear:

  • disposable gloves - single use
  • disposable apron - single use
  • visor - single use
  • FFP3 respirator - single use
  • disposable fluid resistant gown - if extensive splashing is likely - single use

Remove PPE on leaving the area.

For other tasks when within 2 metres of a person

For working within 2 metres of a client but not carrying out direct personal care, or where behaviour may be unpredictable (for example, spitting).

What to wear:

  • disposable gloves - if contact with blood or bodily fluids likely - single use
  • disposable apron - if contact with blood or bodily fluids likely - single use
  • fluid resistant face mask (Type IIR) - single use
  • visor - single use

Remove PPE on leaving the area.