The self-referral service gives you a place to talk about issues that trouble you, allowing you to find your own solutions to problems or develop better ways to manage issues. It is not about giving advice, but about providing a non-judgmental, empathic and accessible means to allow you to find a way forward.
The areas where they cannot assist are with legal and financial issues. There are organisations such as Citizens Advice who can help with these issues. In addition, most trade unions also offer support for members.
The counsellors are also available to advise and support you as managers when you are dealing with difficult issues.
Clinics are available in:
- Matlock
- Derby
- Chesterfield
They are held in non-council buildings, except in Matlock where the team are based at County Hall.
Each member of staff will be offered up to 6 face-to-face counselling sessions based on their individual circumstances.
The counsellors are based in occupational health at County Hall, Matlock and can normally be contacted during office hours, 8.30am to 5pm. Telephone: 01629 536954.