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Health and safety policy and guidance

Effective health and safety management systems are vital to aid the delivery and improvement of services to the people of Derbyshire.

The aim is to achieve the highest standards of health and safety for our employees, service users, contractors and members of the public who come into contact with our activities.

We are required under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 to prepare and regularly review our written policy statement, organisational responsibilities and arrangements with regard to the health and safety at work of our employees.

The corporate polices and guidance should be regarded as a framework within which employees at all levels of the organisation can contribute towards improving health and safety.

Departmental health and safety policies and procedures are in place to meet their specific and legal requirements. These policies and procedures are intended to compliment and support the corporate documentation.

You can find the following council-wide health and safety policies and procedures in EDRM:

  • extreme temperature policy and guidance
  • personal emergency evacuation plan (PEEP) guidance and template
  • serious threat response protocol
  • workplace inspection guidance