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Dis-Ability Inclusion Network member Mya

Dis-Ability Inclusion Network member Mya Munro joined our Corporate Property team in 2019. Mya has recently taken over as Chair of our Dis-Ability Inclusion Network.


I was born in Derbyshire, grew up in Southern Ireland, and commuted to university in South Yorkshire while living in Derbyshire. I have worked in a variety of roles in both public and private sector environments and I am currently completing a higher-level apprenticeship as part of my part-time role in Corporate Property here at Derbyshire County Council.

I have hidden disabilities, including chronic pain and hearing impairment. I am a full-time carer, so I understand the complexities of achieving a healthy work-life balance.

Outside of work I am a keen novice gardener, you'll often find me talking about my cabbages, carrots, Isle of Wight garlic, peas, and other growing plans for the year!

Becoming involved with the Dis-Ability Inclusion Network

I first learned about the network through our internal staff website and our internal staff newsletter – Our Derbyshire. I reached out for more information because I didn't think I “qualified” to join as I have hidden disabilities. The previous chair and secretary helped me to see that yes it was the place for me and encouraged me to be an active member of the network.

I've always been passionate about equality and fairness. Growing up with my mum in a wheelchair meant I had faced many battles surrounding equality growing up. Hearing from other colleagues with health problems that they were facing issues surrounding their disability in the workplace saddened me.

When the previous chair stepped aside, I felt it was only right to step up and get stuck in – if they would have me!!!

Network achievements over the past year

We've done a lot! Here are a few highlights:

  • we have changed the network's name, because we felt it needed to be more inclusive, as well as less focussed on disability, we want to remind everyone we have ability, career goals and to inspire the next generation to believe in and create opportunities for all.
  • we are working with the Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Manager on various projects to identify gaps in delivery and service.
  • we are part of the Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Workforce Workstream, that means we are part of the group reviewing the policies that affect every colleague from a personal and organisation view
  • we have set up a Teams channel and created lots of useful content from health and wellbeing to resources, and a positive zone called the happy space!

Network plans for the year ahead

We are continuing to work hard with the Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion team, so here are a couple of things we are following up this year:

  • MWOW obstacles to hybrid working
  • menopause policy
  • COVID-19/long COVID implementation within existing policy
  • hidden disabilities and the sunflower lanyard
  • reviewing the recruitment and selection policy
  • links with occupational health support and mandatory implantation
  • links with internal support (disability employment service)
  • long term links with external Derbyshire support associations (Deaf-initely Women, Carers Association etc)