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LGBT+ events

Find out about LGBT History Month, International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia, Pride and Transgender Day of Awareness.

LGBT History Month 2024

Celebrating LGBT+ History Month

As part of LGBT+ History Month 2024, we're working alongside partner organisations in the Derbyshire Network Alliance (DNA) to explore the theme of Medicine and Healthcare in relation to the LGBT+ community, both historically and in the present.

The focus of DNA's celebration is that of 'intentional allyship', moving beyond passive support to actively engage, understand and advocate.

This includes recognising the broader historical context that has shaped the experiences of the LGBT+ community within the healthcare system.

Historically, accessing healthcare has posed unique challenges for the LGBT+ community, resulting in persistent health inequalities that continue today.

Discrimination, stigma, and a lack of understanding have created barriers to adequate healthcare for LGBT+ people.

The 2024 LGBT+ History Month theme urges us all to reflect on this complex history and to establish a collective commitment to overcoming these barriers.

Throughout February, the Derbyshire Network Alliance (DNA) aims to showcase how various sectors beyond the NHS and healthcare can contribute to this theme. For example:

  • in education, promoting inclusivity and implementing diversity education programmes creates an environment that respects all identities
  • in transport and active travel, ensuring accessibility and safety for all, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation, understanding and working to remove barriers to participation to promote inclusivity and the health benefits that particularly cycling and walking can bring

Local authorities also play a pivotal role by implementing policies that protect the rights of the LGBT+ community, begin to build a sense of belonging and address health inequalities across services including public health, community safety, children's services and adult social care.

Similarly, emergency services contribute to diversity and inclusion by building trust through engagement with the local community, encouraging a more diverse workforce towards the aim of 'Making Derbyshire Safer Together'.

Local pride events and LGBT+ charities offer platforms for communities to unite, celebrate diversity, and raise awareness about the challenges still faced by the LGBT+ community.