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Adult social care and health retention schedule

Version 8.00, adopted April 2024, expires end April 2026.

Comprising: Adult Care (AC) and Public Health (PH). A PDF version of this retention schedule, including full version history, is held in the EDRM retention schedules folder.

See an explanation of the 6+ Rule and all other standard disposition codes.


AC 01.01: Administering provision of monitoring and support for carers

Disposition: CASE+25 (closure point: end of carer activity).


  • carer reviews
  • assessment of carer suitability
  • background information on a carer and their history

Rationale: Business requirement.

AC 01.02: Administering the carer service

Disposition: 6+


  • records of decisions relating to provision of care through agency staff

Rationale: business requirement.

AC 01.03: Number not used

AC 01.04: Provision of financial support to carers

Disposition: 6+


  • summary details of support provided

Rationale: Accounts and Audit Regulations 1974; Limitations Act 1980.

Residential homes

AC 02.01: Administrative operation of residential homes

Disposition: ACTION+25


  • records of the home's activities, for example diary, roster sheets

Rationale: business need.

AC 02.02: Provision of catering services at residential homes

Disposition: D<1 (destroy after 1 year).


  • Menus

Rationale: business need.

AC 02.03: Licensing of residential homes to operate

Disposition: PERM.


  • licensing register

Rationale: business requirement.

Supporting adults

Case records held in Mosaic should be reviewed in 2025 if the COVID-19 Public Inquiry is still running, with a view to preventing destruction of records dating from January 2020 to July 2022.

AC 03.01: Provision of assessment and individual support or services for adults

Disposition: CASE+6 (closure point: latest contact with client, their representative or administrator of estate).

Example(s): case files for

  • day service provision
  • learning disability
  • physical disabilities
  • sensory disability
  • rehabilitation and discharge
  • communication support
  • drug and alcohol misuse
  • occupational therapy
  • home care

Rationale: common practice.

AC 03.02: Provision of universal services to older adults

Disposition: 6+

Example(s): Blue Badge scheme.

Rationale: common practice.

AC 03.03: Undertaking of assessment and analysis of the adult care market situation

Disposition: 6+

Example(s): Market analysis.

Rationale: common practice.

Records dating from January 2020 to July 2022 should be retained for the purposes of the COVID-19 Public Inquiry.

AC 03.04: Undertaking of demographic and related research to support Adult Care services

Disposition: 6+

Example(s): Research reports.

Rationale: common practice.

Mental health

Case records held in Mosaic should be reviewed in 2025 if the COVID-19 Public Inquiry is still running, with a view to preventing destruction of records dating from January 2020 to July 2022.

AC 04.01: Provision of assessment and individual support for adults with mental illness

Disposition: CASE+6 (closure point: most recent contact with individual).


  • mental health case files

Rationale: common practice / The Mental Health Act 1983.

Public health (core functions)

PH 01.01: reducing health inequalities

Disposition: 6+


  • health equity audits

Rationale: Health and Social Care Act 2012, S18.

PH 01.02: reporting on the public health of the area in the form of annual reports, policies and subsequent procedures

Disposition: PERM


  • public health annual report
  • strategic meeting minutes

Rationale: Health and Social Care Act 2012, S31.5-6; National Health Act 2006, S73B.

PH 01.03: delivering public health services and working with partners

Disposition: 6+


  • operational meeting minutes

Rationale: business requirement.

PH 01.04: working with public health partners

Disposition: 6+


  • public health locality meetings

Rationale: business requirement.

Health improvement

PH 02.01: developing and delivering a public health initiative

Disposition: 6+

Example(s): Time Swap initiative

Rationale: business requirement.

PH 02.02: promoting improved public health

Disposition: 6+


  • HENRY programme (Health, exercise and nutrition for the really young)

Rationale: Health and Social Care Act 2012, S18.

PH 02.03: developing public health advice

Disposition: 6+


  • Advisory content for the Derby and Derbyshire Emotional Health and Wellbeing website

Rationale: Health and Social Care Act 2012, S18

Public health directly delivered services

PH 03.01: assessing and providing wellbeing support or public health and prevention services for clients and local communities

Disposition: CASE+6 (closure point: most recent contact with individual)

Example(s): client records from the following:

  • stop smoking clinics
  • benefit claimant support
  • work-related support for people with disabilities
  • local area co-ordinators
  • school crossing patrol site information

Rationale: business requirement

Health protection

PH 04.01: planning against public health related risks and hazards

Disposition: PERM


  • emergency preparedness procedures

Rationale: Health and Social Care Act 2012, S18.

PH 04.02: responding to public health related incidents

Disposition: CASE+6 (closure point: conclusion of incident).


  • incident response

Rationale: Health and Social Care Act 2012, S18.

Health care public health

PH 05.01: providing public health advice to, and supporting, health commissioning bodies

Disposition: 6+


  • Public health advice

Rationale: Health and Social Care Act 2012, S18.

PH 05.02: monitoring and evaluating public health needs of the population and services

Disposition: 6+


  • health needs assessments

Rationale: Health and Social Care Act 2012, S18.

PH 05.03: Supporting health and wellbeing

Disposition: 6+


  • Support for sexual health and wellbeing
  • Healthy pregnancy
  • Birth and early years
  • healthy living and working for adults from 18-65 years old
  • ageing well for people from 65 years and over

Rationale: Health and Social Care Act 2012, SN06844.


PH 06.01: number not used

Formerly referred to: procurement of public health services (see PROC 2.02 / PROC 2.03 in the finance retention schedule).

PH 06.02: Managing performance and budget across commissioned services

Disposition: TERMS+6


  • performance reports
  • minutes of meetings, variation forms

Rationale: business requirement.

Public health intelligence

PH 07.01: Gathering evidence to support the exercise of public health functions

Disposition: 6+


  • evidence searches and reviews

Rationale: business requirement.

PH 07.02: Obtaining, processing and analysing national record level datasets for health and social care purposes

Disposition: D<1 (destroy according to Data Access Request Service procedures)


  • mortality rates

Rationale: Health and Social Care Act 2012, S261(1).

PH 07.03: Monitoring and evaluating public health needs of the population and services

Disposition: 6+


  • health needs assessments

Rationale: Health and Social Care Act 2012, S18.

PH 07.04: Contributing to the joint strategic needs assessment for the area

Disposition: 6+


  • JSNA Board reports, statistics and minutes

Rationale: Health and Social Care Act 2012, S18