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Microsoft Office is installed on all our PCs and laptops. This includes Word, Excel, Access and Outlook.

Software specific to your role will be installed on your equipment as agreed by your line manager.

Any extra software that you need must be agreed by your line manager and arranged through the Service Desk on ext: 37777. Never install software onto a PC yourself.

Installing unauthorised computer programs and software, including files off the internet, can let viruses onto PCs that cause serious security problems and help hackers' get hold of sensitive and confidential data.

If you need extra software please be aware that:

  • software not already approved needs to be evaluated by Digital Services - if it is approved then it will then be available for installation
  • never download files or software from the internet
  • no one expect authorised staff can install software or upgrades onto council computer equipment
  • only licensed software will be installed on council computer equipment
  • take care when asking for software installations which appear to be free - some software is only free for personal or education use and using it on council equipment would need a paid for licence
  • a business case will be required to enable the purchase of new software