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Apprenticeships senior manager guidance

Apprentice application guidance and support for senior managers (grade 15 or above).

Apprenticeships are one of a range of development streams that support the attainment of the council's workforce planning and workforce development requirements.   An apprenticeship delivers theoretical knowledge, hands-on training and the practical application of skills and knowledge in the working environment. They can be used to invest in both the development of existing employees and the delivering skills development to apprentices newly recruited into the organisation.

Applications you may receive

Existing employees seeking approval to undertake an apprenticeship - during the application process the line manager and employee will have discussed in detail how undertaking the apprenticeship will meet their personal development needs and career progression aspirations as well as departmental and workforce planning requirements. This apprenticeship detailed in the application may have been identified through a performance development review.

Line manager seeking approval to recruit a new apprentice - the line manager has recognised the need to recruit an apprenticeship externally due to skill gaps and in line with workforce planning.

Your role

As a senior manager of grade 15 or above, you are asked to consider the apprenticeship application. It is recommended that the request is considered in line with wider department workforce planning and development requirements and that it should be discussed at senior leadership meetings.

Following consideration at senior leadership meeting, you are asked to confirm your agreement and support for the application.

Next steps

For existing employee applications – if the application is approved the line manager and employee will be automatically emailed the outcome you submit.

If the application has not been supported the line manager will receive an automated email to confirm and advise they speak to the applicant to feedback on why their application was unsuccessful. An email will also be sent to the employee after 10 days of initial line manager email to confirm the outcome.

Please note that managerial approvals cover support to participate in the identified apprenticeship and are conditional on:

  1. Apprenticeship levy funding availability being confirmed via a final levy check (undertaken by talent development team).
  2. A nationally approved learning provider being contracted with, sourced via external procurement process (if DACES cannot deliver).
  3. Final applicant skills scan / eligibility check (against government apprenticeship funding rules) undertaken by learning provider at point of enrolment (could result in ineligibility or a more suitable level of / or apprenticeship being identified for the applicant).

Leadership apprenticeships

Grade 15 and above approval for leadership apprentice applications will be managed differently due to cohort approach.

After approval by line manager, the application will be held by the leadership development team until the closing date for applications to join the cohort. The application will then be submitted along with other applications from within the department for consideration by SMT / DMT as appropriate.