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Mid- and end-of-year reviews

The mid- and end-of-year reviews give the opportunity to take stock and reflect.

Mid-year review

The mid-year review meeting is a good opportunity to take stock on the progress of goals, and consider any realignments. For example, maybe a goal has been completed, so another could be added, or the direction of a goal has been changed and could be amended.

It's also an opportunity to review how the selected competencies have contributed to performance and the progress towards a personal development plan.  

End of year review

The end of year review is the time to reflect and discuss individual performance and potential.

Leaders and individuals will:

  • review the measures of success and propose a performance rating against each goal
  • comment on how competencies have been delivered and contributed to the overall performance (where applicable)
  • reflect on their progress towards their career aspiration
  • review their personal development plan
  • consider feedback from key stakeholders
  • self-assess against the overall performance and potential ratings (Grade 14+ leaders only)

During the meeting, line managers and leaders will discuss and agree these points.

There shouldn’t be any surprises as the one-to-ones will have made sure that they were all discussed on a regular basis.

Grade 14+ senior leaders

For grade 14s and above senior leaders, both performance and potential ratings will be provisional at this stage until the calibration takes place within the talent reviews. Leaders will complete the PDR form to reflect the conversation:

  • the leader will add an overview of the year from their perspective
  • the line manager will authorise it and also add a summary comment
  • the validating manager (the line manager’s manager) will also complete a short summary, having sight of the provisional PDR outcomes, ensuring senior leaders are closer to performance within their teams

The PDR is not complete until all 3 comments have been updated on the PDR tool.

The Talent Review takes place at the end of the performance year and the purpose is to:

  • calibrate performance and potential ratings to ensure a consistent approach across divisions and departments; final ratings will be confirmed to colleagues after the review
  • review the talent by division, department and then across the whole organisation to understand current and future gaps against the workforce plan
  • consider career progression potential in workforce planning, to support us meet our priorities and seek to address organisational skills gaps
  • update succession plans

Grade 13 and below, and non-line manager PDR users

Individuals will complete the PDR form to reflect the conversation:

  • the individual will add an overview of the year from their perspective
  • the line manager will authorise it and also add a summary comment