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Performance management policy

We want to be a high performing organisation that delivers its very best for our residents across Derbyshire.

We want our leaders to engage, inspire, motivate and build trust with their teams and for  everyone who works here at the council to feel supported, both from a work perspective and also at a personal level.

We want to ensure we are all working together to achieve all that we’ve set out to deliver in our council plan.

Good performance management will help us to do all of this.

Performance management is not a single activity, but rather a group of practices, such as:

  1. Establishing goals for individuals and teams to see their part in the council ambition and plan.  to ensure everyone knows what they need to do and how they need to do it.
  2. Recognising people for their contribution to the organisation and celebrating their achievements.
  3. Supporting people to achieve their full potential, through identifying development needs and career aspirations.
  4. Addressing and supporting under performance to improve this to a satisfactory level through support, training and review.

Performance management isn't:

  • something my manager does to me
  • focused on managing the capability and used only for poor performance situations
  • a tick box exercise which doesn’t add any value

The perception of performance management can focus on the more challenging aspects, having difficult conversations and managing poor performance. It is important to recognise this process is only one part of performance management.

The process covers much more, it brings clarity to the expectations of individual roles and is focused on individual development. Performance Development Reviews and regular conversations can build relationships, opportunities to feedback, provide recognition and support people to be at their best.

Our performance management policy is attached to this page.

Find out what our new performance management framework means for you - the Performance Development Review (PDR).

For further information see our performance capability procedure.