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Income tax - employees

Important information on income tax and how to contact HM Revenue and Customs.

You must always quote your National Insurance number and tax reference when contacting HM Revenue and Customs.

For our employees, your tax reference is: Nottingham 507/D1.

However, if you are a pensioner, your tax reference is: Nottingham 507/D2.

HM Revenue and Customs
Pay As You Earn
PO Box 4000
CF14 8HR

Telephone: 0300 200 3300

Rates of Income Tax

You can find out current income tax rates and personal allowances.

New employees

As a new employee, you may have a form P45 if you had previous employment. Here's what you should do with it.

Part 1A

Keep this in a safe place, as you may need it for the completion of a tax form.

Parts 2 and 3

These are the copies that you must pass to the Shared Services Centre to enable the correct amounts of income tax to be deducted from your pay. You may be put on an emergency code if your P45 is for a previous tax year.

If you do not have a form P45, you must complete a form P46 and forward it immediately to the Payroll Section. Form P46 is attached to this page.

It's in your interest to send in a P45 or P46 as soon as possible.

End of year information

Form P60

Soon after the end of the tax year, you will be given a Certificate of Pay and Tax (form P60). This gives details of your pay, tax, National Insurance and pension contributions for the year. You must keep this form safe, as it may be required for completing a tax return and possibly education grant forms.

Form P11D

Form P11D shows any taxable benefits you have received from us. Once again, you will need this for completing your tax return, as it shows the profit or allowance on your mileage payment.