You can check the availability of the meeting rooms at Shirebrook Children's Centre but all bookings must be made by contacting the local administrator.
Site contact and location administrator
Janine Reddish
Telephone: 01629 531746
Denise Buxton
Telephone: 01629 537399
Signing in
Visitors do need to sign in for fire and covid purposes, this will be done by business support.
On-site parking available.
Disability access
There is disabled parking on site and a lift in the centre. All meeting rooms are accessible.
There is a kitchen on site. Visitors will need to bring their own supplies.
Rooms are laid out to adhere to covid guidance and social distancing. The layout of the rooms can be altered to specific meeting requirements while adhering to COVID guidelines.
Additional equipment
A flip chart is available on request.
Additional information
Masks must be worn when moving around the centre.