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Performance capability procedure

This section sets out our approach to employee under-performance which should be managed through the performance capability procedure.

Procedure and guidance

The performance capability procedure sets out the framework to address employee performance where it doesn’t meet the required standard. The aim of the procedure is to improve performance to a satisfactory level through support, training and review.

It sets out the key principles and the process for managing under-performance through the informal and formal stages of the procedure.

The guidance document provides practical support and advice in managing employees' performance. For ease of reference the 2 documents are incorporated into one.

The use of the procedure and guidance will contribute to the fair treatment of employees consistent with good management practice.

Guidance is provided on:

  • meeting and record keeping
  • conducting review meetings
  • progressing the 3 stages of the procedure from informal to formal meetings and on to the capability hearing where required
  • appeals
  • performance capability matrix

You can get advice and support on performance capability issues and the related process from the advice and support team. They will also attend hearings and appeals in an advisory capacity to the hearing / appeal hearing officer.

If you have any queries about the procedure, please contact the advice and support team using the relevant email:

Performance management

It’s important to recognise that the management of under-performance is only one part of a wider approach - performance management.

Performance management is about maintaining and improving employees’ performance in line with our council plan. It's a 2-way discussion and regular, open and supportive feedback on progress towards goals.

It’s not a single activity, but rather a group of practices and our approach to performance management is called the Performance Development Review (PDR). It can bring clarity to expectations of individual roles and is focused on individual development.

For more information see our performance management policy.