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Personal use of the internet, email and social media

Using the internet and email is key to the effective delivery of our services. However, there are limitations on personal use of the internet by employees.

Our guide for employees on using email, the internet and social media is attached to this page. But here's a summary of the key issues:

  • you can only use the internet in your own time, before and after work and at lunch times
  • some categories of websites, such as gambling, are blocked for all users
  • you must not use your email address for personal use
  • do not stream radio, audio or videos, including news channels - these are very bandwidth-intense services and slow the internet down for everyone
  • once you've used a website, for personal or work use, shut it down - do not keep windows open that are not being used
  • we keep copies of all emails, links to web pages viewed and searches made and we monitor the service constantly
  • the internet and email policy applies to all equipment we provide, desktop computers, laptops, tablets and mobile phones

Social media

The purpose of this policy is to help our employees by providing clear guidance about acceptable behaviour on social media both at work and outside work. It's consistent with the regulations and conditions of service they should already be aware of in their work.

We recognise that the internet provides a unique opportunity to participate in discussion and share information using a wide variety of social media, such as Facebook, X, and blogs.

Employees are likely to use social media in a private capacity outside of work and may also need to use it in a business capacity as part of their role.

However, use of social media in both a personal and business capacity can present risks to our confidential information and reputation, and can jeopardise our compliance with legal obligations. To minimise these risks, and to ensure that our IT resources and communications systems are used appropriately, we expect our employees to adhere to this policy.