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Work-life balance

We support the promotion of a positive work-life balance for our employees.

This section gives more details of a number of schemes and policies to help you balance your work and home life.

Your manager will be happy to discuss the options available and agree an approach which balances the needs of the business with the way that you want to work.

Flexible working

Flexible working helped Kathryn, who's Carbon and Energy Manager achieve a positive work-life balance, she said:

"In 2017, we adopted 2 children and I took 12 months adoption leave.

"Prior to going off on adoption leave, I’d had informal conversations with my line manager about my wish to return to work on a part time basis. With all our family living in either the north east or south east of England, we don’t have much local support to help out with childcare and so I sought approval to return to work on a part-time, term time only basis.

"This has helped enormously as it means I can pick my children up from school most days and also be around for them during the school holidays. I can also work my hours during the week in a way that meets business needs and the needs of my family, which means I also get to attend the fun stuff at school like parent lunches and sports days and be available for sick days or appointments."