UNISON helps individuals with their personal development through lifelong learning initiatives. Providing a positive experience of what UNISON can do for members in the workplace.
In addition, it helps promote the benefits of UNISON membership, especially in areas where we have traditionally found it difficult to recruit members to UNISON.
Union learner representatives support the process in various ways:
- raising awareness of lifelong learning issues in the workplace
- raising awareness of lifelong learning opportunities amongst members and potential members
- helping to identify and articulate the learning needs of particular groups of members and potential members
- raising awareness of the UNISON partnership approach to lifelong learning
- liaising with employers on lifelong learning opportunities in the workplace
- raising awareness of lifelong learning issues in the branch
- working with UNISON branch officers and especially the branch education co-ordinator to promote workplace learning
- contacting and talking to members and potential members about how UNISON can assist them in their development
Learning with UNISON
Unison offers a variety of learning opportunities for members.
UNISON's internal Learning at Work Programme
This is available through UNISON regions and is available to members only.
UNISON's Employer Partnership Programme
Using learning providers with who UNISON has an ongoing relationship. Learning is delivered in partnership with the employer and time off or protected learning time is secured for learners. These schemes are open to members and non members. These programmes require agreement between UNISON and the employer and so are not available in every workplace.
There are currently 3 main strands to the Employer Partnership Programme:
- Learning at Work courses, usually delivered in conjunction with the Workers Education Association (WEA)
- Open University: Faculty of Health and Social Care and Openings
- Careconnect Learning Courses
UNISON's discount arrangements with a range of learning providers
Discounts are available, to members only, on a wide range of courses for leisure, pleasure and vocational skills.
For more information about lifelong learning with UNISON or to become a learner representative please contact Gary Ransford, learning co-ordinator, telephone: 01773 728366.
For more information about courses please visit our learning and development pages.