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Redeployment and redundancy

This aims to answer any questions you may have about redundancy and redeployment.

Both our redundancy redeployment and protection of earnings policy and our tips on applying for jobs and interview preparation document are attached in our related documents section at the end of this page.


Redeployment support is available to employees who are placed at risk of redundancy

If you're an 'at risk ' employee, you're entitled to paid time off to attend interviews for both internal and external vacancies. This has to be agreed with your manager.

You can also claim any excess interview mileage or fares.

See our redeployment FAQs

A recording which summarises some of the redeployment provisions for those identified as at risk of redundancy that are listed on this page has been put together.

The recording highlights some key points on redeployment and is available on SharePoint.

Skills audit form

You should complete this form if you've been advised that you are at risk of redundancy. The form provides details about your job search criteria as well as information about the skills and qualifications you hold.

This data will be held centrally and may support us in identifying any suitable alternative employment, should opportunities arise.

Whilst it is the responsibility of the employee to actively seek redeployment, if we identify a role that has similar terms and hours, we reserve the right to offer this as suitable alternative employment.

Fill in your skills audit form

Job applications and interviews

There are a number of vacancies which can be found on our jobs' website.

We also have a document with tips on applying for a job and interview preparation attached to this page.

Register for our jobs and careers Browse our current vacancies

Excess travel

Payments for excess mileage and/or excess travel time may be available to employees who are redeployed into a new role.

See our travel policy

Careers service support

Our careers servicehas a programme of free support. Their sessions give information, advice and guidance on a variety of employability themes including support with your job search, labour market information and career planning.

The careers workshopsare free. They're funded by the contract we have with the National Careers Service and they're delivered on Microsoft Teams by our qualified careers coaches.

The National Careers Service can also be contacted for career advice from 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday, and 10am to 5pm on Saturdays and bank holidays.

You can contact the service by:

Their website provides information on how to explore careers to find out what a job involves and if it's right for you, as well as a page that helps you to find a course (online or classroom based) to help you get a job or develop your skills.


We'll make every effort to assist employees who are confirmed as at risk of redundancy. All redundancy situations will be managed in accordance with our redundancy, redeployment, and protection of earnings policy.

See our redundancy FAQs

Calculating your redundancy payment

Our current policy for redundancy payments is applied for both voluntary and compulsory redundancies.

To be entitled to a redundancy payment, an employee must have a minimum of 2 years of continuous service.

Calculate your redundancy pay

Voluntary release schemes

These schemes may be made available to employees who are part of a change programme, where a reduction in roles is required.

See our voluntary release schemes


The Derbyshire Pensions Fund websitehas lots of useful guidance, forms and information.

You can also ask a question about your pensiononline.

Register with 'My Pension Online' to:

  • access your pension details, including any death grant lump sum nominations you've made
  • update some of your personal information
  • access documents and correspondence, including your annual benefit statement when it's available
  • work out pension estimates
See our pensions FAQs

Employee Assistance Programme

As part of an ongoing commitment to employee wellbeing, we offer all employees free access to emotional and practical support through an employee assistance programme.

The employee assistance programme is a confidential employee benefit designed to help you deal with personal and professional problems that could be affecting your home life, work life, health and general wellbeing.

Financial support

You may find the following financial support websites useful:

Websites to help find another job

The following websites can help you to find another job: